Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bathroom Wall

: girls in Giants gear with a half filled handle of Bloody Marys; "Rally. Get up and catch the 38. Rally!"; the bus fills with more truants; "Mix hard liquor with champagne..."; avoid downtown by waiting for the 33; it's broke down and the wait is long; listen to Kristin Hersh: Crooked on repeat; meet SC, she's dressed like Alice Cooper; her and WF are hanging anatomy drawings and I thought she was an undergrad with that black dyed mess of wild hair; she made pumpkin cookies that were like cupcake tops; we all go to WF in LB's truck; the X-Files theme plays through the store; outside, a dog in a giraffe suit looking depressed; we take pictures, SC as Alice Cooper and me in my werewolf mask; CB walks out the fire exit and sets off the alarm; LOL; eat lunch for dinner, make lemon honey tea, go to Thee Parkside; start of rain; meet up with NB, he went to the Giants parade; SC, NB, MB and I in the bar; "Do you know what they call people from Tampa?" What? "Tampons!"; walk the rain to the 33; 6 minutes and 70 minutes; a small dog named Frankie, an irate man wrapped in the Philippines flag; Castro is Saturday night busy; a group of wasted and angry good looking people; continue listening to Crooked; at home make apples and cheddar, pour a glass of wine, watch Buffy; TH comes home and we play each other duets back and forth; "This Endless Love", "Islands in the Stream", "Up Were We Belong", "Whenever I Call You 'Friend'", etc

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