Monday, May 12, 2008

Evan Schnair & Stanford Chen read at Small Press Traffic

Like any urban conglomerate the Bay Area is fertile ground for writers and the schools that harness that talent. Small Press Traffic has put together an evening of readers from the varying graduate writing programs that bejewel the 37 degree(ish) latitude.

Friday, May 16th, 7:30 p.m.
Timken Lecture Hall, California College of the Arts
1111 Eighth Street
San Francisco, CA

Directions & map:
http://www. sptraffic. org/html/directions. htm

This exciting evening showcases Emergent Innovative Writers from the Bay Area's diverse community of writing programs and features:

Lorelei Lee from San Francisco State

Evan Schnair & Stanford Chen from California College of the Arts

Cynthia Posillico and Stephen Boyer from the University of SF

Ariel Goldberg from Mills

Paul Ebenkamp from St. Mary's

Unless otherwise noted, events are $5-10, sliding scale, free to
current SPT members and CCA faculty, staff, and students.

Get this on TV now

After watching an outtake of Inside Edition featuring Bill O'Reilly flipping out and subsequently learning that CBS had YouTube put an end to the entertainment I needed to find something to wipe the brackish taste out of my mouth. That's when I searched for Kate Braverman.

The first video is one of her and a couple ladies (I think the one on the left is Katie Moses, author of Wintering) during one of Braverman's Fusion City nights. She used to throw these readings at Edinburgh Castle in San Francisco. Here we have Braverman reading aloud Plath's poem, Lesbos.

I uber-heart Kate Braverman. To me, she's equal parts Courtney Love, Galadriel and Catwoman. Then sprinkled with freshly-grated brilliance and served with a mint infused cocktail.