Monday, September 27, 2010

Breakfast, Lunch, Chicken Teriyaki


: older, long-gray-haired guy yells at a 71L bus for not stopping at a non-limited stop, “Hey! Hey!!” pounding the metal side; Whole Foods salad bar shows no sign of shortages, outages. Craving chicken and beets. Eat on the grass in the shade of the Metro PCS billboard; one of the hottest days; wander to Trader Joe’s and BB&B for a vegetable peeler. Utensils these days are swollen and heavy. Crowded store, everyone behaves like they’re the only ones there. Myself included. I put back the packages of lowly salted almonds and organic dried cranberries. Single guys don’t push carts, they carry baskets or nothing at all; Now, how the hell am I going to get home?; walk towards Market, lady in short shorts and white halter, “Excuse me, can you do me a small favor?”, pass a street littered in debris, smells like urine, comparing Tokyo to San Francisco; catch the 6, “I just didn’t have the mind for Folsom this year… nakedness throughout the city, it was great… “, the bus is depressing, girl reads handwritten notes from a journal some of which are highlighted, a young and hobbit-like couple fawn over each other, we pass boarded shops in congested street traffic; a bottle of Yellowtail Cabernet, microwave dinner like a grandmama on Hoarders; Dexter and Desperate Housewives. R. and I chat in her room over wine before pouring into our beds.

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